

    Interactive client-oriented system of services for employers and employees

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    ~ 70,000,000

    page views

    on the portal

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    Many Russian employees whose rights have been violated by their employers ask the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, Rostrud, to investigate their cases. Illegal dismissals, problems with salary and severance payments, dangerous working conditions, and incorrect registration of employment contracts are among the many issues that employees seek help in resolving. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the number of issues and problems reported has increased dramatically.

    Rostrud was inundated with applications for labor inspections and required new digital solutions for receiving and routing them to the necessary departments. A service that employees could use themselves to quickly search for information on labor law, as well as related forms of documents, was also badly needed to alleviate the workload.


    Develop a portal that facilitates interaction between employees, employers and the Federal Service for Labor and Employment.

    Set up application routing and automate Rostrud’s internal processes.

    Create a convenient knowledge base and introduce self-service services in order to reduce the burden on Rostrud.

    • Web Portal, Mobile Application
    iOS, Android, Xamarin, Linux, Docker, PHP, MySQL

    System Functionality

    Users can submit applications for labor inspections
    Applications are saved in a user’s personal account in the form of a card, where the response will be received
    Appeals undergo initial consideration and are sent to the appropriate department
    OnlineInspection.rf is integrated with the client’s system, where inspectors work on the appeal. Responses are automatically sent to the portal
    A control panel provides detailed statistics on the handling of appeals

    Examples of Portal Services and Functions

    For Employees


    Report Problems

    An employee whose labor rights have been violated can leave an appeal on the portal. Within 30 days, they will receive an official response from the labor inspectorate, and an inspection will be carried out at the employee’s company.

    Receive Consultation

    Employees can instantly get answers to typical questions on the portal by using the OnlineInspection bot or contact the Inspector on Duty, who will answer him within three days.

    Make an Appointment

    Employees can choose a time for an appointment with the state labor inspectorate in their region via the web portal.

    For Employers



    With the help of the ‘Electronic Inspector’ service, employers can see their organization from the perspective of a labor inspector and preliminarily check themselves for compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

    Change Risk Category

    The service allows employers to send an application to the Federal Labor Inspectorate requesting a change in their company’s risk category.

    Check Risk Category

    Organizations can request full information on their risk category via their user account on the portal.

    Advance Notice of Labor Inspections

    If the company is registered as a legal entity on the Gosuslugi web portal and has authorized on the OnlineInspection.rf website through it, the company will receive notifications of upcoming inspections from the labor inspectorate.


    Today, OnlineInspection.rf provides more than 20 services for employees and employers. Thanks to tools for preliminary consideration and routing, appeals are effectively distributed across departments, and the time for processing them has been reduced. The Knowledge Base, ‘Duty Inspector’ service, self-checking tools, and the OnlineInspector chatbot help resolve a significant portion of the issues before Rustrud needs to be contacted directly.

    Digital solutions have made the labor inspectorate’s work more transparent and improved its reputation.

    In Figures


    Russian regions


    services for employers and employees

    >66 million

    page views on the portal

    ~3.5 млн

    restored rights


    self-inspections by companies

    ₽18 billion

    worth of fines avoided by companies eliminating violations identified by the ‘Digital Inspector’


    consultations provided

    > 90,000

    requests processed by the chatbot in 2021
    “The Federal Service for Labor and Employment expresses gratitude to Intellectual Social Systems and its specialists for their high professionalism and resourceful work in creating and developing client-oriented services for employees and employers within OnlineInspection.rf “
    V.L. Vukolov Head of Rostrud
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    “The Federal Service for Labor and Employment expresses gratitude to Intellectual Social Systems and its specialists for their high professionalism and resourceful work in creating and developing client-oriented services for employees and employers within OnlineInspection.rf “
    V.L. Vukolov Head of Rostrud

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